
海德罗伊斯学校鼓励学生结业, 温暖的, 学生与老师和员工之间的体贴关系. mg电子试玩app的员工在学习和生活中都是学生的榜样、向导和导师. The purpose of these guidelines is to give clear direction regarding appropriate conduct and boundaries between employees and students. The expectations for conduct set forth in this document are not intended to serve as an exhaustive list of requirements, 限制, 或学校制定的禁止员工行为和活动的规定. 相反,它们的目的是:

  • Alert employees to some of the more sensitive and often problematic matters involved in faculty/staff-student relationships;
  • Specify boundaries related to the educator/student relationship and conduct that is contrary to accepted norms of behavior and in conflict with duties and responsibilities of
  • professional educators; and
  • Provide employees with clear guidance in conducting themselves in a manner that reflects high standards of professionalism.

It is important for the School to maintain a School-wide culture in which students and employees understand their responsibility to report misconduct without fearing retaliation. 以防止滥用和/或剥削, students and the professional community must know that the Administration will support them when they report possible misconduct. 虽然这项政策对员工和学生之间的适当行为给出了明确的指导, each employee is obligated to avoid situations that could prompt suspicion by other members of the 学校社区. One helpful standard that can be quickly applied when assessing whether your conduct is appropriate is to ask yourself, “如果学生的家人或我的同事或家人站在我旁边,我会这么做吗?”.

如果员工遇到与界限有关的困难情况, 员工应该向主管征求意见, 系主任或校长.



从员工的角度来看,有些活动可能是无辜的, 但从学生或家长的角度来看,这可能被视为调情或性暗示, therefore employees should not engage in any type of behavior that might have the appearance of impropriety if observed by others. The objective of the following examples of appropriate boundaries is not to restrain positive relationships between employees and students, 但要避免可能被视为不合适的情况. Employees must understand their own responsibility for ensuring that they do not cross the boundaries of an educator/student relationship. 因此, it is crucial that all employees learn this policy thoroughly and apply the lists of acceptable and unacceptable behavior to their daily activities.

尽管善意的, 与学生真诚的互动肯定会促进学习, 学生/员工之间的互动必须始终遵循适当的界限

  • 只在适当的场合见面:
    • An employee should not be alone with a student in a non-public space or inside a room with a closed door unless the space or room can be seen through a window. It is understood that teachers may meet with their students for educational purposes outside of classroom time and that some of those meetings will involve one-on-one meetings. 任何与学生的私人会面都应该, 只要有可能, 门开着或在公共场所发生. 如果情况需要关门,因为需要额外的隐私, 会议应该在一个房间里举行,门上的窗户不应该打开, 房间的门不能锁上.
    • Employees should not allow students to ride in the employees’ personal cars without written (e-mail/text will suffice) permission from a parent/《MG免费游戏试玩平台》 and approval from the Head of School. 即使得到许可, 员工不应该和学生单独在一辆车里,也不应该乘坐学生的车. 如果出现需要偏离此规则的情况, 涉及的员工应该得到主管的许可.
    • 当家长/监护人不在场时,员工不应该出现在学生家中, 不管是社交聚会还是其他场合. 除了, employees should not invite students to their homes for holidays or other occasions without approval from the Head of School as well as written (e-mail/text can suffice) parental consent. 最后, 员工不应该只有一个学生独自在家, 他们也不应该让学生到家里来,除非有另一个成年人在场.
    • Employees should not intentionally be alone with a student on campus or away from the School without obtaining prior parental permission.
  • 限制身体接触:
    • 员工不得对学生进行任何体罚.
    • 员工不应该与学生有身体接触, 除了偶尔的支持, 祝贺的, 或者快速拥抱, 手臂挤, 如果受学生欢迎,也可以拍拍后背. 即使在运动场合,用手拍臀部也是被禁止的. 注:如果学生与学校工作人员进行重复和/或长时间的身体接触, 员工应该明确而坚决地阻止这种行为,并通知主管.
    • 员工不应该参与身体上的恶作剧, 打闹嬉戏, 或者与学生进行其他不适当的身体游戏.
  • 记住你的角色是教育者,而不是家长、同伴或朋友。
    • Employees should not “hang out” with students outside of School for reasons not related to School or spend an inordinate amount of time “hanging out” with students even on campus. Adults at the School should always remember they are not the students’ “friends” and therefore should not be engaging in peer-like behavior with students.
    • 员工不应向个别学生赠送私人或私人性质的礼物.
    • 员工不应向学生提供酒精或毒品, 不允许学生在他们面前喝酒或吸毒.
    • Employees should not direct a student to keep a secret from or hide information from their parents or other School employees.
    • 员工不应该为了自己的利益而与学生产生感情纠葛.
    • Employees should not make or participate in sexually inappropriate comments or conversations; make sexual jokes, 故事, 或者带有性暗示的评论;
    • 教师不应该在课堂上使用性或不适当的材料,即使是开玩笑.
    • 员工不应该与学生讨论他们的个人烦恼或亲密问题.
    • 员工不应该与学生八卦其他学生或成人在学校
    • 学校社区.
  • 避免个人电子通讯:
    • 员工不应该通过学生的个人社交媒体账户与他们互动,也不应该加他们为好友, 关注或向学生发送个人社交媒体信息.
    • Employees should not use personal email or texts to communicate with students rather than using School email and communication systems. (Limited text messaging is permissible for arranging logistics of School activities off campus or in emergency situations, 但在这种情况下,员工通常应该使用群发短信功能。).
    • 员工不得向学生发送与学校活动无关的电子邮件.
  • 保持过夜旅行和过夜的界限:
    • 员工应该和学生睡在一个单独的房间里, 不应该邀请学生睡在员工的房间, should not be alone with a student in the student's room and should not be inside a student’s room when the student is changing or sleeping.
    • Employees should not awaken students by making physical contact with them (but may awaken students by loudly knocking on their doors or calling out to them).
    • 员工不应该在学生面前裸露或部分裸露. 因此, 通宵旅行和在外过夜, 员工不应该光着衣服或半裸着衣服在宿舍外面走动.
  • 记住体育活动的特殊界限问题:
    • 在运动设施中, 当学生在场时,员工不应该在更衣室洗澡或换衣服.
    • 员工应该监督更衣室, 必要时, 防止不当行为和伤害, 而且应该在他们进来的时候宣布他们的存在, 除非这样做会削弱他们发现可疑不当行为的能力.
    • Coaches and other athletic staff should not be alone with a student when engaging in otherwise permitted physical contact, 比如在教授一项技能时.

如果雇员是父母,这些界限准则可能不适用, 《MG免费游戏试玩平台》, 或者是学生的兄弟姐妹. 然而, 所有学校员工都必须注意他们与任何学生的互动, 甚至是他们自己的孩子或孩子的朋友。, 在学校内外. Those employees with family members in attendance at the School should reach out to the Head of School or Director of Human Resources with any questions regarding this policy.


All employees are responsible for enforcing this policy and must immediately report any suspected violations to the Director of Human Resources, 部门主管, 或校长. 在某些情况下, employees will also have the duty to report such conduct in accordance with mandated reporter requirements The School will not retaliate against any individual who makes a complaint or participates in an investigation pursuant to this policy, 并将对任何对违反本政策的人进行报复的人采取纪律处分.

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